
A Blog and a Baby are Born....

Today, I became an uncle for the first time. I have a tiny, large-headed, adorable new nephew and in the vein of all things new, I figured today was as good a day as any to finally bite the bullet and give birth to the other baby in my life... this blog, Dubstep Democracy. I'm a DJ living in Bondi Beach, Australia, and for the sake of this blog, lets call me the Democrat. I love industrial dubstep (or as my lady, Ms Democrat calls it, 'Diarrhea Dubstep--because it liquifies your insides.' I wanted to start a blog to showcase a huge range of everything from English-style dub, Canadian/American dub, Drum and Bass and some dirty, wobbly, fidget house. I hope you enjoy the tunes and if you do, keep coming back to visit...

For a bit of a taster, here are some classics...in upcoming posts I want to get into exploring specific genres, and your comments and requests are very welcome!

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